Comments on: Mary Eison Royer Funeral Home Sat, 24 Sep 2022 22:46:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rhonda Dixon Sat, 24 Sep 2022 22:46:42 +0000 I worked next to Lynn the last 4 years she was able to work. She poured 20 years of information from her intelligent mind into mind. She had a liver transplant in 2006 and no matter how bad she felt she climbed those stairs every day and sat at her desk next to ne and we worked.
She was one of The most logical, common sense person I ever had the joy to work with.
She shared with her stories of how her anf Tom met and their journey together and the people who touched their lives throughout the years. Sheshared with me her stories of her life joys and disappointments.
I admired Lynn. For her daily effort to get up every day and try.
I admired Lynn that she could see through the stupidity and shrug it off.
I admired Lynn that she lived in a world that was sometimes harsh but she rose above and choose to see goodness
I appreciate that she trusted me to manage the her finances of her company knowing I would do things exactly the way she wanted it done. That meant alot to me to have her trust.
I learned so much from her that I will always use for good wherever I go. Thank you Lynn.
